Redmi and Qualcomm have collaborated to launch the Redmi Note 12 Turbo in China, which features the second-generation Snapdragon 7+ chipset (TSMC’s 4nm, 1× 2.91GHz Cortex-X2+ 3× 2.49GHz Cortex-A710+ 4× 1.8GHz Cortex-A510, Adreno 725 580MHz GPU). It is the same as the Snapdragon 8+ chipset in terms of architecture, manufacturing process, LPDDR5 + UFS3.1 high-speed memory/flash, and can support up to 16GB+1TB of storage. Its comprehensive performance AnTuTu benchmark score exceeds one million, providing high performance and lower power consumption. Redmi has also improved the VC heat dissipation capacity by 35% with its first super-diffusion flow guide and added a guide groove to enhance the directionality of steam flow and improve the speed at which hot steam diffuses to the cold end.
The Redmi Note 12 Turbo features ultra-thin four narrow edges for its screen, with a border width of just 1.42mm and a screen-to-body ratio of up to 93.4%. It uses a display of 687 million colors and has a variable refresh rate of 120Hz. It also supports 1920Hz high-frequency PWM dimming, which can relieve visual fatigue.
The Note 12 Turbo is Redmi’s first phone to feature a screen without a support bracket, with a thinness of 7.9mm and a weight of 181g. It also continues the trend of small-standing edge design and dual turbo rings, with classic colors of Feather White, Sky Blue, and Carbon Fiber Black.
The Redmi Note 12 Turbo has a 5000mAh battery that can last up to 1.33 days with heavy use. It also features OIS optical stabilization with 64MP triple camera, optical quality zoom, X-axis motor, dual speakers, NFC, and infrared remote control.
The Redmi Note 12 Turbo places great emphasis on quality: (1) it is sturdy and durable, having undergone four-dimensional flagship quality tests; (2) it will not lag for four years and has received TUV’s 48-month A-level smoothness certification; and (3) during the pre-sale and first sale day, all users will receive a one-year free screen replacement warranty.
In addition, Xiaomi has also released the Redmi Note 12 Turbo Harry Potter Edition, priced at 2399 yuan for 12GB+256GB. It is now available for pre-sale and will be available for purchase on all channels at 10:00 on March 31st. The customized gift box features classic elements such as the lightning scar, the golden snitch, and the stag. It adopts platinum three-dimensional embossing and the magical pattern shines on the body. It also comes with a 9¾ station card needle, a live map instruction book, a customized theme, and a customized phone case.
The prices of the Redmi Note 12 Turbo phones are as follows:
• 8GB+256GB for 1999 Chinese Yuan
• 12GB+256GB for 2199 Chinese Yuan (First sale price of 2099 Chinese Yuan)
• 12GB+512GB for 2399 Chinese Yuan (First sale price of 2299 Chinese Yuan)
• 16GB+1TB for 2799 Chinese Yuan (First sale price of 2599 Chinese Yuan)
Harry Potter Edition: 12GB+256GB for 2399 Chinese Yuan
The Redmi Note 12 4G will also be launched in the Asian region on March 30. Most of the Android smartphones belonging to the Redmi Note 12 series have already been launched outside China, and the Redmi Note 12 Turbo is expected to arrive in India in the next few weeks. Till now there is no news or rumors indicating that the Harry Potter edition will be available in the international market.